Volunteers Needed

Post date: Jun 04, 2014 1:3:30 AM

Second, we have our final Teacher Appreciation Luncheon also on June 6th. The food donations are always appreciated by our hard working and dedicated teachers. Find our more at this link:


Third, on Friday, June 13th we are having the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony. This is limited to 8th grade students and two guests per student. Although the parents of 8th graders will be there, we would like them to have the opportunity to enjoy their day with their children. If we could have 4-6 parents from other grades assist us it would be good Karma for your child's special day! The jobs include setting up drinks, cutting the massive cake into small pieces and some quick clean up afterwards. This is from 9:00 to 10:30. To volunteer, send an email to Volunteer@AnnapolisMiddlePTSA.com.

And last but not least, Saturday, June 14th is Community Service day at AMS and we need volunteers as well as supplies to make the exciting improvements to many classrooms at the school. Since this is a non-student day the volunteers can be anyone from the community and do not need to be AMS volunteers. Community service hours will be granted for any student that needs them!. Please follow this link:


Finally, we will need volunteers on June 13th to help with set up for both the 8th grade awards ceremony in the morning and the 8th grade dance to be held in the evening. Volunteers are needed at 8:00 am to set up for the awards ceremony and 12:00 pm to set up for the dance. If interested in helping this day please email me directly.

If you are available to help with any of these needs please sign up where you can. Please pass this information on to any other possible parents who may not have volunteered this year but might be able to help with one of these many end of the year events. Thank you!

Terri Lee

Volunteer Coordinator

Annapolis Middle School


First, Dragon Games will be held on June 6th. The students get to have a day of games and treats as a year end celebration. Volunteers need to have the required volunteer paperwork on file to assist with this student activity day. Please email me for information. We have more information about Dragon Games at this link:


Please consider each of these events and see if you are able to contribute in any way.

Hello Parents

The end of the school year always mean a rush of activity as our children complete final assignments, have final performances, participate in more field trips, prepare for the ending of one grade level and look forward to moving up to the next. We are flooded with events and need to ask for more help from our wonderful parent volunteers. We still have many needs to fill and need your help.